The purpose of Fully Known Ministries is to equip believers to “rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15) in order to know God as He has revealed Himself in His Word and to live lives that reflect His glory.
About Patrick and Teresa Houghteling
Teresa and Patrick established Fully Known Ministries in 2019 after a season of ministering among Middle Eastern Arab Christians and Muslims throughout the Middle East. With a heart to see believers become committed, sold-out, followers of Jesus Christ, they travel throughout the United States and abroad, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and equipping believers to effectively carry out the Great Commission.
Who You Are
You are loved of God by His definition of Love: through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. That means there is nothing you did do, could do or will ever do to alter, change, diminish or lose God’s Love. When He sees you, He sees Jesus. It’s too late to talk God out of it. There’s nothing you can do about it. He’s head-over-heels in Love with you.
You are a giant on the inside, whether you feel like it or not, full of strength and endurance. You are powerful and when you speak, your words have authority. You can crush Satan under your feet. Not a single thing he plots against you can succeed because you are a child of God.
You are liberated. You are not in bondage to this world or to sin — you are not a slave. You are standing on the winner’s box.
What You Have
You have divine health. When Jesus died on the cross He became sin, He bore every sickness and disease — named and unnamed — and He became poor. He flawlessly, perfectly and permanently handled the curse’s trifecta: sin that leads to eternal death, sickness/disease and poverty. That’s what actually happened on the cross. That’s what Jesus’ atonement looks like. He did it all. He fixed it all. He didn’t miss one thing that could or would steal, kill or destroy you. He finished it all. Just. For. You.
You have authority through the name of Jesus. Your words, backed by the full power of the Holy Spirit, have the ability to overcome any attack of the enemy and put him on the run every time.
You have all of the promises contained in God’s Word. You have the choice to believe and receive those promises and live an abundant, grace-filled life of divine health, not only in your body, but also in your mind and in your finances. They are all yours. Right now. Today. On earth as it is in heaven.
How to Get It
Through my personal experiences – and wins – I will help you learn how to get (and keep) everything you already have (see above) by:
Applying what you learn to your everyday life in a practical way.
Learning to filter everything – and I mean everything – through the Word of God (without beating yourself or anyone else over the head with it)
Using scripture to help you identify and eliminate wrong thinking
Understanding the power of your words
Getting so good at resisting the enemy, that any lies he tries to tell you – or accuse you of – are like white noise. You won’t even be able to hear him anymore.
Fully Know
Fully know who you are, what you have, and how to access what’s already yours.
By the way, we have not mastered any of this. We’re still learning, growing and going.
Let’s learn, grow and go together.