Start your day with this confession from E.W. Kenyon’s Two Kinds of Faith. Declare it out loud and feel your spirit be stirred!
“I can do all things through Him. I cannot be conquered. I cannot be defeated.
There isn’t force enough in all the world to conquer Him who dwells in me.
Not only am I born of God, a partaker of God’s nature and life, but I have God dwelling in me, and I have the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwelling in me.
I have God’s wisdom, God’s strength, and God’s ability.
I am learning how to let Him govern my intellect, letting Him think through me, use my vocal faculties. I am daring to think His thoughts after Him.
I am daring to believe that it is God who is at work within me and that He will work His own good pleasure.
I am daring to say in the presence of my old enemies – failure, weakness, want, lack of opportunity, lack of knowledge, lack of strong friends, and a thousand others – “God is my ability!”
God has made me greater than my enemies.
God has made me put my heel on the neck of weakness, of fear, of inability, and I stand and declare that whosoever believeth in Him shall not be put to shame.
I cannot be put to shame.
My weaknesses are routed.
The strength of God is mine.
The ability of God has taken me captive and I revel in this captivity.
That is faith speaking, real corresponding action!”
And all God’s children say, “Amen!”