In my prayer time, I saw myself walking in a wheat field with rolling hills at golden hour. I was walking with Father, His right arm holding me close. He towered over me, nine feet tall if a foot. He said to me, “I have a violent love for you.”
I asked myself what that meant. What does violent love look like?
Violent love is unparalleled and unmatched.
Violent love looks like annihilating sickness and disease when it threatens you. As you are tucked under the shadow of His wing, if sickness takes on a form and tries to take over you, the great love He has for you viciously attacks it. His love defeats it. You don’t have to do a thing. You simply rest in His shadow.
Have you ever seen a momma bear when her cubs are threatened? She is vicious and will do whatever necessary to protect her cubs. Do the cubs do anything? Nope. They are usually oblivious to the danger.
That is violent love. I see His love surround sickness and watch as it disintegrates into nothingness before my eyes. I don’t have to do anything. He does it all. My only “to do” is to stay right by His side, under His protection, surrounded by His love.
Healing is not my responsibility; it is His. I don’t do the healing; He does. As I rest against Him, His great love for me does the work.
Isaiah 43:2 says:
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
YOU don’t protect yourself from those things; HE does. You can’t part the waters and you can’t prevent the fire from burning you, but He can. If you try, you’ll just make a mess of things.
Resting says to Him, “I trust You, Father.” As you rest, the healing power on the inside of you is free to do its work. Unencumbered.