Have questions you want answered? Join us live every Wednesday at 11am EST or send your questions to info@fullyknownministries.com and have them answered on an upcoming What-To-Do Wednesday!
Today’s Questions:
1) What does relationship with God look like?
2) Does God always heal?
3) A lot of Scriptures that have spoken to me or that I stand on have different meanings than how I am taking them. Is it okay to look at them that way?
4) My prayer language consists of 20 to 30 words. Is that normal?
Recommended teachings:
“What Relationship with God Looks Like”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=invbxXP8cbU&t=1761s
“It’s God’s Will to Heal, Right?”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rJaR7-eYeA&list=PLqXU-GuwMy4L5no8_Y7QdfUtfwQFQ3fpl&index=35&t=4s