The purpose of “Revealing Revelation” is to do just that: to reveal the revelation that’s already inside of you. After reading this article, you will be able to say, “I’m not waiting on God to give me a revelation!” Let me tell you that that is a revelation in itself. The moment you stop waiting on God to give you what you already have is the moment you take a step towards receiving the revelation you need to walk in victory in this life. You’re not waiting on Him. He’s waiting on you.
In order for what I’m going to teach you to make any sense whatsoever, you need to have a basic understanding of spirit, soul, and body; namely, that you are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. There is a difference between the three parts, and that difference is clearly stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 when it says, Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. [underline mine] So, let’s first take a quick look at your body and your soul.
Your body is the easiest part of you to identify with because you can see it and feel it. You can experience your body with each of your five senses. It is probably the part of you that is most real to you. It is the part of you that is usually catered to the most. In most cases, it is the part of you that is the most cared for properly and gets the most attention. You dress it up. You pamper it. You worry about it when something isn’t working right. Am I right? When you look in the mirror, you know that that is your body. My husband can pick me out of a crowd because of my body, how I look. You identify with it and other people identify you with it. You don’t need any help associating with your body.
Your soul is also easy to identify. You soul is made up of your mind, your will, and your emotions. You can feel your emotions, just like you can feel your body. You can feel pain on the inside when no one has actually physically hurt you. You feel anger. You feel grief. You feel sadness. These are all very real emotions and you can identify with them, just like you can identify with your physical body. This part of you is what many call the personality. These attributes are what make you, well, uniquely you.
Lastly, and most importantly, you are a spirit. Unlike your body and soul, your spirit can’t be comprehended or understood by your physical senses. You won’t naturally relate to it or identify yourself with it. I think this is exactly why it is so hard for people to accept this truth, because they have to take it on faith. They can’t prove it with logic, and they can’t wrap their natural minds around it. In this case, you have to believe it even though you don’t see it (John 20:29). You have to take the Word’s word for it!
In order to take the Word’s word for it, you have to know what the Word says. It says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. First, you are “in Christ” if you have been born again. Second, something with you became a new creation according to this verse. Spoiler: Of your spirit, soul, and body, your spirit is the part of you that became new. How do I know? Easy. Answer the following questions for me:
After you were born again, did your body suddenly become brand new or did it stay the same? Chances are, if you were short, you’re still short. If you were a brunette, you’re still a brunette. If you had scars, those scars are probably still there. So no, your body didn’t become new.
After you were born again, did you suddenly know everything about everything? If you were terrible at geography before, could you suddenly recite and locate all 50 states and every however-many-there-are countries? Did your memory become perfect? So no, your mind didn’t become new.
The same could be asked about your will and your emotions. Did you suddenly start having complete control of your emotions and did your will suddenly line up perfectly with what God’s word says? Probably not!
These are very simple examples, but they speak this very profound truth:
When you were born again, the only thing that was made brand new was your spirit.
Your new spirit was then sealed with the Holy Spirit to keep it from ever being corrupted (Ephesians 1:13). Your spirt is, and always will be, perfect.
So, what does this have to do with revelation knowledge? Everything.
Colossians 3:10 tells you that when you put on your new man, that new man was “renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.” In English, please. Using the Strong’s Concordance’s definitions for “renewed” and “knowledge,” we get: Your born-again spirit was made into a new kind of life that has full discernment and precise and correct knowledge of things ethical and divine. We are definitely not talking about your physical mind here. This perfect knowledge is in your spirit.
God’s Word also tells you that when you were born again, He put Jesus’ Spirit into your heart, that your spirit became one with Jesus’ Spirit, and that as Jesus’ Spirit is, so are you right now (Galatians 4:6, 1 Corinthians 6:17, and 1 John 4:17). It tells you that you have the mind of Christ and that you have the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and that because of that you know all things (1 Corinthians 2:16 and 1 John 2:20).
This is obviously not true of your human mind, but it is most certainly true of what’s available to you in your spirit. Your spirit knows all things. Your spirit has the mind of Christ. All the knowledge that you need to live victoriously in every area of your life is contained in your spirit. Let me prove it to you in another way if you aren’t convinced yet.
Romans 8:16 tells you that the Holy Spirit bears witness with your spirit. It says, The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are children of God. The first time I heard that verse, all I could think was, Huh?
I’ll explain. To “bear witness” means to corroborate, confirm, prove, or to testify to. I used to read that Scripture as the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirits. Reading it that way, it said to me that the Holy Spirit was telling my spirit things my spirit didn’t know; that my spirit was missing something. However, if you look closely at that Scripture, one word changes the whole meaning. The Spirit bears witness with my spirit, not to it.
I was a court reporter for many years and had the job of sitting in on court sessions and recording testimony verbatim. In order for a person to bear witness with the defendant (the person who was on trial) to the judge and jury, both of them (witness and defendant) had to be in agreement and have the same understanding of the circumstances in question. The witness had to testify to the exact same thing the defendant was testifying to. Their stories would be the same.
Likewise, the Spirit agrees with your spirit, which means He is of the same understanding and he testifies to the exact same thing. Your stories are the same. Your spirit and the Holy Spirit team up to testify to your soul that you are a child of God, that you are healed, and that you are free. The Spirit is agreeing with your spirit, and this can only be true if your spirit already knows the truth. The Spirit isn’t revealing anything new to your spirit. He is agreeing with it!
Isn’t it good to know that you’re not waiting on God for revelation, and that He’s not withholding it from you?
The key is in getting that revelation that you have in
your born-again spirit into your physical mind.
When that happens, as your mind begins to bear witness with your own spirit (that is revelation!), transformation will take place in your life and in your body. Once your spirit and your soul are in agreement, you will receive revelation and you will see the Word become active. I know because I’ve walked it and I continue to walk it!
You already have revelation knowledge inside of you, and now you just need to learn how to draw it out. With God’s help, I’m going to show you how in our next teaching, “Receiving Revelation,” where I’ll share four tried-and-true practical steps you can apply to your everyday life to help you start receiving revelation.