What People Are Saying
February 22, 2021
My husband died in December 2019, and my grief brought such fear and terror into my life, I struggled to believe God had a plan for me. In 2018 I found out I had osteoporosis and had 4 vertebrae fractures. My husband and I studied the word for my healing. Last Nov 2020 I had another compression fracture and last week (Feb 2021) another one. When I came home from the hospital, all I could do was cry for my losses.
I searched through the Healing Journeys teachers and saw your teaching on Healing from Grief. Despite hearing all of Andrew Wommack’s and Barry Bennett’s teachings, yours was different, as you had examples, real concrete examples. How many times did I shout at Andrew, “But how do I get a revelation of God’s love?”
Yesterday, I reluctantly packed my grief into that big suitcase and gave it to Jesus. I had no vision, and no hope, only a belief that if God brought other people through this, He would do the same for me. Today, after more than a year, I saw a glimpse of myself in my kitchen cooking a meal with a few (unknown to me now) friends, laughing and talking. I had JOY!
My husband always encouraged me and believed in me, even though I did not. I felt he would be proud of my efforts and it was OK that I have given special memories to Jesus to hold while I heal.
I spent today watching the 11 episodes of How-to Walk in Faith. Awesome, wonderful stuff that really spoke to me. I have been believing to be healed from my osteoporosis, but now see that because it went underground for two years, I stopped speaking the Word against it. I am only 66 years old, and I have eight fractures now. Satan wants to rob me of my life and prevent me from finishing my race. Before listening to you, I thought I would have to keep my fractures, even though my osteoporosis would be healed. Now I know when my healing occurs, that the spirit of infirmity must take all the broken parts with him. My bones will be renewed: “my bones shall flourish like grass.” (Isa. 66:14)
I can relate to so much of what you thought and questioned and experienced, my hope is being restored and really I need to spend a lot more time with my Bible and God. As hard as that seems, it would be so bad if I stay where I am. I can do this. God said so.
Bless you, Teresa. Thank you for your ministry.
– Mickayla
September 13, 2020
I have struggled for years with many things, including not forgiving myself for mistakes or regrets, and grief. I had not found anything that truly helped me and kept praying for an answer and revelation. It wasn’t until finding Teresa’s teachings that I finally found that. The way that she taught on this, and explained and broke it down, along with the scriptures she used, spoke so much to me. And I now have hope for the first time with all of this. I already feel so much weight and burden being lifted as I continue to trust God to help me and heal my heart. Thank you, Teresa!!
– Kristy
January 23, 2020
Janie T.
I first learned about Teresa when I saw her healing testimony at Charis Bible College. She left a deep imprint upon my heart to learn more about overcoming obstacles. The way she uses her faith and tenaciously keeps it in a bulldog grip has set a high example for me to follow. She explains everything so clearly, and has instilled an extremely deep hope and expectation inside of me that I, too, can reach victory as she has done repeatedly in the face of numerous hindrances. She is so encouraging! Words cannot adequately express my gratitude to having found Teresa again through her ministry!
– Janie
November 22, 2019
Lori M.
I love this ministry and Teresa! I look forward to the daily devotional and the weekly video! Your devotional speaks to me personally, as if God Himself was speaking directly to me as, do your videos. I watch them over and over and catch something new every time! That’s why the Word says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, which is Jesus personally speaking to us ♥️.
Love, peace and His grace be multiplied to you, and may Abba Father bless your ministry and family abundantly with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus ♥️🙌💥 To Him be the glory💥
– Lori
November 20, 2019
Vonya C.
I had the opportunity to talk with Teresa at an event and I was so blessed to hear about her faith, her challenges and her future expectations! God is so good. He is doing great things with this unique team!!!
– Vonya
August 9, 2019
Margaret P.
I love the daily devotional…I find this ministry very encouraging and so glad I found it….I am also very thankful for the prayer I received when I needed it…my prayer is this ministry goes from strength to strength as it is what the world needs….All glory to God!
– Margaret
July 21, 2019
Karen M.
Teresa has a clear, focused teaching style. You will find answers, relief, refreshing here. It’s the word, the truth, our Healer that she teaches and finds answers from. Enjoy your healing journey. You will never forget it. God is faithful to bring you through it. He has, He is, and He will. This is my testimony 🙂
– Karen
June 30, 2019
Set Your Sights Daily Devotional
Caron L.
Your devotionals/videos have encouraged me greatly. I have been following your devotional for weeks, and God has changed my focus through them. I am now choosing Jesus, his finished work, and His promises throughout the day, instead of focusing on my symptoms.
I, like you, was diagnosed with lupus 12 years ago , along with other diseases, and have had ongoing symptoms. But praise God, I have hope! God has gifted you as a communicator of His Word, and I am so grateful!
Thank you!
– Caron
June 16, 2019
Set Your Sights Daily Devotional
Suzy R.
Wow! God really spoke to me through the Set Your Sights Daily Devotional. I had been up coughing from a cold/virus/allergies for several hours when at 5 a.m. your email came up. I was also feeling some pain in my hip, so you hit every issue that was uppermost in my heart!
It was great to be reminded of taking hold of my powerful faith. My hip pain went away immediately and the post nasal drip stopped so I could go back to sleep. I’m standing on the power of my faith to move this cold/virus, too!
It is so like our Father to speak to us in such a personal way, and so wonderful when our brothers and sisters listen and obey so others can be blessed!
Thanks so much!!
– Suzy
July 18, 2015
Healing School
Ron M.
I was watching the archives of the healing school with Teresa Houghteling speaking. She spoke out healing for a hamstring injury… the right hamstring. That was for me. I was immediately
healed from that injury. Praise God! Thank you Lord!
I had fallen while roller skating on a concrete floor last November and had prayed consistently, but never had a diagnosis. I had prayed for every other thing I could think of, but never considered hamstring. It rang so true when she spoke it. I can do thrusters again, immediately after she spoke it and I received it. Amen.
Also, today was the day I got the revelation that Jesus was my dominant spirit man. My old guy is dead, and now it’s Christ in me. Wow. What a great day! Praise God!
-Ron M.
July 17, 2015
Kris R.
I didn’t know where to send this, but I just wanted to thank Teresa Houghteling for her testimony/teaching at healing school. I watched it today online and I felt like she was telling my story and journey though I have not gotten to the end yet. It was the most powerful testimony/teaching I’ve heard in a long time. Thank you so much, Teresa.
– Kris R.
August 19, 2014
Healing School
Steve A.
Additionally, I would like to thank you for the outstanding testimonies connected with the teaching sessions. The one that really got my attention was the one given by a lady named Teresa. Teresa was very clear, she had a good presentation, and what she said was very well organized and easy to understand. I’m sure I’ve listened to it 8-10 times a day, and I’m still getting input from the Spirit of God through her words. If she is still at CBC, please give her my regards on a job very well done.
– Steve A.
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